Catself Tampere Two-er
Posted at: 2023-02-09 23:45:02
This weekend Catself will play two shows in Tampere. On Friday evening, she will perform at Huurupiilo for the first time. On Saturday she will return to Katubaari Axu.
The sets will not be the same! Some of the songs will be played at both shows, others, only at Axu or only at Huurupiilo. If you have time, welcome to join us on both days!
Both shows are free entry.
Facebook event:
Facebook event:
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Shows! 15 October: in Tampere, 12 December: around the world
Posted at: 2021-10-14 22:06:26
Tomorrow I am coming back to Katubaari Axu! Katubaari Axu people, I have missed you!
As usual at Axu, the event is free entry but: you might like to take a little cash with you because I have just got very nice merch! Pretty (and practical!) magical things that will brighten your autumn and can even help me finally release my album if I sell them all. They will be 12,40 euro a piece.
Event on Facebook:
Soon after the Tampere show, I will travel to the Netherlands and on 12 December I will play a concert with Chabliz, a Dutch band whose music I have loved and admired for a long time. We have played concerts together before, but it has been a while and I am very happy we can do this again. This time you can attend no matter where you are in the world: the concert will be streamed live on YouTube.
Chabliz have a lot of experience with online concerts now: the sound is superb and the concerts are filmed with several cameras. Not only the music, but also the technical side will be really good quality, so welcome, even if you have already watched a lot of online concerts since the start of the pandemic.
Event on Facebook:
The concert will be streamed here on Chabliz YouTube channel.
I am looking for opportunities to play more shows. The information about the new shows will be here in the Shows section as soon as they are confirmed. But 12 December: please mark it in your calendars! It is not easy to book shows and especially in this pandemic reality, and it is not like it has ever been easy; it is also not easy to travel everywhere, but on 12 December I can play for you wherever you are, at the same time. Come and see us!
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Catself is coming back to Axu! Save the date: 23 July
Posted at: 2021-05-14 19:25:32
This time has come! A new green has grown and keeps on growing, the days are getting longer, the summer is approaching and the pandemic is retreating. As live music events are becoming possible, I will come back to Katubaari Axu in Tampere on 23rd July. I am looking forward to this very much, as you can imagine!
More details on the Shows page.
And here is the Facebook event, feel free to join, share and invite:
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Evening with Catself at Katubaari Axu postponed
Posted at: 2021-01-24 17:29:46
I have been looking forward to playing at Axu again very much, but due to the ongoing pandemic, we have all decided to postpone Catself evening at Katubaari Axu, Tampere until times when it is safer.
Although smaller events are allowed, we did not want to put anyone at risk or make it difficult to observe the safety guidelines. Let us look into the future and meet again as soon as it is possible. Until then, please keep safe!
The information about the new date will be posted on this website in Shows and also on Catself Facebook page and Twitter profile as soon as we know it. You can also send an email to if you want to be notified by email – also if you would like to hear news about the new music when it is finished. I am now working on new recordings.
Please don’t feel sad. We will meet soon!
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© 2011-2025 Christer Holm / By Catself
Official website of performer, composer and lyricist Catself.
All rights reserved.
Official website of performer, composer and lyricist Catself.
All rights reserved.