Evening with Catself at Katubaari Axu postponed
Posted at: 2021-01-24 17:29:46
I have been looking forward to playing at Axu again very much, but due to the ongoing pandemic, we have all decided to postpone Catself evening at Katubaari Axu, Tampere until times when it is safer.
Although smaller events are allowed, we did not want to put anyone at risk or make it difficult to observe the safety guidelines. Let us look into the future and meet again as soon as it is possible. Until then, please keep safe!
The information about the new date will be posted on this website in Shows and also on Catself Facebook page and Twitter profile as soon as we know it. You can also send an email to news@catself.com if you want to be notified by email – also if you would like to hear news about the new music when it is finished. I am now working on new recordings.
Please don’t feel sad. We will meet soon!