Catself w trasiePosted at: 2023-11-06 20:09:05
Catself odbywa małą trasę koncertową w drodze powrotnej z WOMEX-u. Sprawdź, czy nie gra gdzieś nieopodal Ciebie!
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tutaj. Jeśli używasz Facebooka, znajdziesz wydarzenia koncertowe na
stronie Catself na Facebooku.
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Catself is one of the most professional singers that I ever met. A real stage personality, always prepared, with catchy songs, a beautiful, somewhat Celtic voice and great guitar and piano skills. She is a singer-songwriter who always brings a good atmosphere to the places where she performs. She has the right attitude towards the music and the audience. Being an artist is top sport, and Catself knows that!
Petra de Winter
vocalist, songwriter and manager of the band Chabliz